Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I have not written in what seems like forever. School has really gotten to me, but I do want to make sure I blog a lot about my medical school journey. As I have been in school, I have realized a lot of things about myself and my community. The most glaring thing that I have realized is the small amount of representation of African Americans in medicine. And I believe I know why.

Of course, I go to a Historically Black College, Spelman College. The people around me are brilliant, ambitious, and creative. They are the next world leaders and game changers. Looking at my peers, I have witnessed and learned many things about myself. I realized how little I had compared to them. I realized that I did not have and still do not have the resources to succeed in the medical field. I don't want to pity myself at all. That is not what this is post is about. I just had to do some self reflection over the last few years and I realized that I have to work twice as hard for half of what everyone else around me has. And that is one of the main reasons why us African Americans are not well represented in the medical community. We were not always given the resources or told what to do in order to succeed in this field. I do hope by blogging more about my journey, more people of color will be able to successfully enter the medical field.